Artist Name
Shigeto Yamashita
Painting is an act that is given to everyone, not only to those with a background or recognition. How can one express one's own personality without being influenced by the eyes of others? This is not limited to the arts, but is a necessary element for society to carve out its future. In order for that freedom not to be controlled by anyone else, I believe that art exists to explore and develop a world that is uniquely one's own.
I have a serious physical disability. In drawing, I can only hold a pen with four fingers. This is not something to be pessimistic about.
It is not something to be pessimistic about, but a great opportunity to create a new contemporary art that only a very few people can experience. I take advantage of my disability and pour my whole heart and soul into a single painting to give it a perspective and emotion that many people cannot see. The soul I put into my work may not be able to move or empathize with many people. This is because my paintings are not limited to people with disabilities, but they are messages to people who are hurt, struggling, and have lost hope for life, as well as to those who seriously support them.

Artist Biographies
I was born in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan in 1973. Currently I live in Miyagi Prefecture. I have developed progressive muscular dystrophy since childhood, and have used ventilators since 1999. I worked on creative activities from the beginning of 1990 and started CG works in 2001. Currently, at the same time as working on the web at home, I continue to draw works using my slightly moving fingertips and computers. I have won numerous awards and had held solo exhibitions on an irregular basis. I have also been a student at the Kyoto University of Arts (Communication system) since '21.

1993 Awarded the Tomohito King's Cup at 6th Yomiuri Painting Exhibition for Independence of a person with disabilities
1996 Participates in "Two people" exhibition (Yurtec head office, Sendai)
1997 1st Solo Exhibition (Maruzen Gallery, Sendai)
1998 Participates in "Link" exhibition (Awagin Gallery, Tokushima)
          2nd Solo Exhibition (Silver Center, Sendai)
2000 3rd Solo Exhibition (Takutaku Gallery, Sendai)
2004 4th Solo Exhibition (Small house on the prairie Gallery, Miyagi)
2005 5th Solo Exhibition (Nimanendo Gallery, Sendai)
2015 Participates in Borderless Art Organization
2019 Participates in "1st Amo Labo Art" exhibition (Almond Ginza, Tokyo)
2022 Participates in "Possibility Art Project Exhibition 2022" exhibition (Toppan Koishikawa Head Office Building, Tokyo)
1993 第6回障害者自立読売絵画展「寬仁親王杯」受賞
1993 徳島県民文芸展詩部門優秀賞​​​​​​​
1997年 丸善画廊「第一回個展」(仙台)
1998年 仙台市シルバーセンター「第二回個展」(仙台)
2000年 TAKUTAKUギャラリー「第三回個展」(仙台)
2004年 大草原の小さな家「第四回個展」(宮城県亘理町)
2005年 弐萬圓堂ギャラリー「第五回個展」(仙台)
1996年 ユアテック「二人展」
1998年 あわぎんギャラリー「LINK展」
2019年 アマンド銀座店「第1回アモラボアート展」(東京)

2022年 トッパン小石川本社ビル「可能性アートプロジェクト展 2022」(東京)
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